Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rising Like Phoenix

Well I had a colossal meltdown over the weekend. My family had a big party for all of the Autumn birthdays in our group of friends and family, and I did a great job of avoiding all temptation for about the first 2 hours...then it all came crashing down. Stupid birthday cake tempting me like innocent bite turned out to be not so innocent after all and I relapsed like a Lindsay Lohan on her first day out of rehab. From there, my will was broken and I began a rampage that would see me devour 2 large pieces of cake, several sub sandwiches (including the bread), hand-fulls of sugary candies, corn chips, taco dip a can of beer and who knows what else. The results were plain and I was bloated and miserable for the rest of the evening and into the next day.
I have since regrouped and am fully back in paleo mode, though I think I may resent my 30 days of strict paleo clock over. As my jiu jitsu instructor says, "why do we fall like lambs? So we can rise up like lions!"
In the meantime, I am eagerly awaiting my copy of Robb Wolf's The Paleo Solution book from, which I pre-ordered months ago and has yet to ship (grumble). Having been an avid listener of Robb's podcast for months, I am eager to see what kind of new and interesting insights and additions he will bring to the paleosphere.

1 comment:

  1. Good job getting right back on that horse Joel. I LOVE the quote by your jiu jitsu instructor!
