Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Getting Started

My name is Joel. I am no writer and I don't have any opinions or information particularly valuable to impart. My purpose for this blog is to keep a record of my attempt to live a paleo/primal lifestyle for the next 30 days and potentially beyond. I don't have any allusion that I will garner any type of readership, but I want to know that somebody could potentially read it, thereby shaming me into adhering more completely to the plan. Every failure and every success will be made plain here.

For those who are unfamiliar with the paleo/primal lifestyle, it basically consists of eating and living in a way consistant with our evolutionary heritage. There is a ton of information available on the internet that can explain it much more completely than I am inclined to do at this time, so I encourage you to do some looking around if this concept is something that sounds interesting to you.

I have fooled around with going paleo in the past, but have not been particularly consistant with it. In September, that changes. I intend to go strict paleo for the entire month. I am setting a goal and this blog will be my record of it. I will be keeping a detailed food/exercise/sleep log and reporting on my progress. I hope to see tangible improvements in health and well being, but only time will tell. Thanks for joining me on this journey.

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